Charlie’s January Vineyard Update

Curious about what is going on in the Vineyard this time of year? Here is an update from Charlie:
Winter is a quiet time in the vineyard. We completed the harvest with the Mourvedre grapes in early November, then trimmed the vines, tilled the soils in the vine rows, and planted the winter cover crop.
The cover crop is an organic mix of 40% Cayuse Oats, 30% Bell Beans, 20% Magnus Peas, and 10% Common Vetch. The legumes enrich the soil with nitrogen and improve soil biological activity and organic matter content. According to the USDA, cover crops help feed soil life and contribute to soil organic matter, help soil better absorb intense rain and improve water holding capacity, help reduce the property’s carbon footprint, and most importantly, improve vine health and yields.
We are convinced our extra care of the vineyard makes a big difference in the quality of our wine grapes and wines, and we love the emerald green colors the cover crop creates during this dormant period for the vineyard! Check out these photos, or visit the vineyard and wine cave to see for yourself.
– Charlie Havill